*girl conspiracy*


*pin-ups* | *soundtrack* | *girl* | *conspiracy* | *zines* | *posse* | *diary*

Tribute 'zine=Tribuzine.

After a three year hiatus, two more 'zines from Boy Girl Revolution are coming into fruition.  Beware...

The John Waters Notebook


A tribute 'zine. All contributors will recieve a copy of the finished 'zine.
Wanted: articles, reviews,pictures, interviews, collages...anything pertaining to John Waters or any of the films he has done.

Weezine II


A tribute 'zine. All contributors will recieve a copy of the finished 'zine.
Wanted: Any articles, interviews, pictures of members, pictures of fans in Weezer gear, collages, song lists, songs written by members, why you love or hate the band, band meber interactions, concert reviews...and anything else pertaining to the band Weezer.

Ready for Consumption:

The Freeze


The Freeze is all about drawing during work. Musing during work. And crying during work. This is an emo one, kiddies. Send one stamp and your mailing address, and you'll get this baby back.

Questions? Contributions? Hard liquor? Email:
Be sure to designate in the e-mail's subject heading which 'zine ("John Waters Notebook" or "Weezine II") your piece would be appropriate for.
You can also mail:
Aurora Armijo
601 Sonoma Lane
Avenal, Ca. 93204