Album Reviews
Superchick-Karaoke Superstar


Ed Harcourt- Here Be Monsters | Superchick-Karaoke Superstar | Desaparecidos-Read Music, Speak Spanish | Country Teasers- Satan is Real Again | Blockage-Aim to Please | Motorhead-God Save the Queen (single) | Monomania- Adventures in Stereo (l.p.) | Belle and Sebastian- Jonathan David e.p. | Radiohead- Kid A

Superchick- Karaoke  Superstar"
by Aurora  Armijo, The Collegian
The sad thing about the Christian music community is that, despite the efforts made to differentiate itself from the secular music community, it just ends up being a mirror of the whole top-40, MTV  machine.
Just like the secular community, there are bands that make your ears bleed with blandness (are Jars of Clay and Dishwalla the same band?). There are also bands that give you hope for the state of Christian music today. Superchick is one of those
Karaoke Superstar is a smart album. Laden with the type of 
pop hooks that would make Lil Miss Attitude Pink green with 
jealousy, Superchicks songs will stick on your head like a
peanut butter lobotomy.
The lyrics are, in a word, cute. The band's intentions were to come across as a Christian Huggy Bear promoting female
empowerment in a  woman-hating world. Instead, they have more in common with snazzy funk-popsters Bis, only without the charm of a Disco Steven.
Nonetheless, there is no denying that all  fourteen of the songs are a toe-tapping good time. You may not be able to really tell the difference between each song, but you will  know that you have been infected with energetic, girl-driven spirituality. Moreover, you will be happy with that because, damn, does Superchick know how to make you feel
More than anything else, Superchick sounds like they had a great time  making Karaoke Superstar. Though the lead singer, Tricia, has a flatter voice than a Bible cover, there is nothing preachy or annoying about this music. Instead, we get lyrics steeped in getting out the message that positive self-esteem is important.
Superchicks Karaoke Superstar is eerily addictive. Groups like this may not get the respect they  deserve (those kinds of accolades should only be saved for the sheer brilliance of pop culture whores like DC Talk) from the  masses, but, thank goodness, that does not seem to be of any concern to Superchick.
Karaoke Superstar is a nice change from the usual musical 
drone, and the result is an album that would be perfect for a
Saved By the Bell episode. It may not be what you would like to admit to  enjoying, but you love it anyway.