Country Teasers: Satan is Real Again c.d. Crypt Records This cd is subtitled "Feeling Good about Bad Thoughts", and after one listen to the lyrics, you can hear why. B.R. Wallers (lead singer) isn't shy about what's on his mind, whether it's his disappointment in humanity "Don't Like People", or his ode to short skirts "Panty Shots", you have to admire this guy's guts. The Country Teasers music is a reaction against---well, everything. They go against the grain in an oh so pleasing way. The music is a hybrid between alt country and punk rock: twangy, rawcous, and lo-fi. I saw the Teasers live earlier this year. B.R. Wallers has a poetic, important seeming presence. He lined the space between the end of the stage and his microphone stand with cheap bottled beer, swilling away at the bottles, and finally apologizing for his (seemingly) lackluster performance, declaring he was suffering from a hangover. It's this kind of brutal honesty that makes me highly recommend The County Teasers. Kay Bozich Owens