Strange Days
The Fly Duo


Vagrants | The Rest of Aurora's Life | The Fly Duo | Rivers and Aurora | Aurora Gets Lost | The KART Bus

Chapter #571 in "Why Aurora's Life Should be made into an '80's Movie":

Aurora had never been so happy to see the dingy, grey streets of Avenal. "Finally," she thought, "I can sleep in my sweet, comfortable bed."
Aurora had just stepped off the KART bus. After yet another harrowing experience on the public transit system and a full day of algebra (the subject most near and dear to her heart) at the local infamous junior college, she was ready to collapse. It had been a long day.
She walked down Third Street, on her way back from the bus stop to her beige home. She counted the number of cracks in the sidewalk to keep herself occupied, making extra sure not to step on one (she didn't want her mother's back to be broken when she entered the door).
The sound of a large vehicle gunning down the street towards her caused Aurora to look up. "Bummer," she said aloud (since no-one was around to witness her) "I lost count of the cracks." Her contacts were clouded after her hard day and she had to squint in order to make out what exactly was making it's way down Third Street.
"Good heavens!" Aurora recognized the vehicle. Why, by golly, that was Albert's van! Albert was her one of her best friends from high school. They had bonded by a mutual love of hair dye and ultra-witty sarcasm.
Still squinting, the driver and passenger made themselves clear.
"Gracious be!" Aurora recognized the fly duo. It was Albert's parents. Aurora had always liked the two of them because they never hesitated to make fun of Albert in front of her (this was how she discovered Albert's nick-name, "Choo-Choo"). Plus their names were--and this always made Aurora giggle a little-- Aurora and Albert.
So when Albert and Aurora didn't wave back to Aurora when they passed by in their 1970's van, Aurora felt a small catch in her throat.
"Oh dear," said Aurora. "Oh my. But... but I... Aurora and Albert..." She didn't want to feel hurt but she did. "Do they not like me anymore?"
She tilted her head to the side and contemplated. "Gee, I sure hope they liked me in the first place."
Aurora dragged herself the rest of the way home. She was thuroughly dejected. Aurora had always thought that the Williams' liked her; or, at the very least, they didn't loathe her. When she got home she didn't even say hello to her parents. She just ran up to her room on the second story, climbed into her bed, and let the tears flow.
Soon enough Aurora's nosy mother poked her nose into her room.
"Aurora!" She exclaimed (thus the use of the exclaimation mark). She came in and sat next to Aurora's quivering body on the flower-printed bed. "Oh no, what happened?"
Aurora explained the situation, trying to get through the story without snot mixing with the tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Oh Aurora!" Her mother said. "Were they really going very fast?"
"Yes, Mom, yes!" Aurora nodded vigorously. "They were going terribly quickly down the street!"
"Well then, they probably didn't see you," Aurora's mother said knowingly.
"Oh," Aurora wiped the tears off her face. She hadn't even considered the most likely possiblity! "Probably. Maybe. That would make sense, wouldn't it?"
Aurora's mother shook her head and left the room.