Chapter 569 in "Why Aurora's Life Should be Made into an "80's Movie": Aurora truly thought the KART bus fun was over. Little did she know about the shenanegans about to ensue on her first ride home to Avenal from Lemoore West Hills Community College, home of the mighty eagle and her lovably endearing math class. It was 5:55 p.m., and Aurora was tired, as usual. She thought that she might take a nap on the 45-minute ride home, since she hadn't had a chance to snooze on the way over to Lemoore at 6:15 in the a.m. The days events had completely tired her weary body out. She stood out on the curb waiting for her bus. After 10 minutes, it arrives and she climbed aboard, eager to rest in the anti-plush, non-comfy chairs. Ahhh, that felt better. Aurora smiled a bit and settled into position. Even the pungent odors of piss and baby poo didn't bother her as she settled into a well deserved slumber. Suddenly she was jerked awake as the bus stopped at a red light too quickly. What was this? Aurora looked out the window and was shocked to discover storefronts passing her by, instead of the expected fields of nothing that paved the way to Avenal. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Aurora got up and told the bus driver quietly that she was on the wrong bus and didn't know what to do. "WHAT?" the bus driver yelled at her. "CAN'T HEAR. BLEW MY EARDRUMS OUT. YA GOTTA SPEAK UP, GIRLIE." Aurora explained her situation again, louder, this time, on the verge of tears. "SO YER ON THE WRONG BUS? HOLD ON, GIRLIE, WE'LL TAKE CARE OF YA!" Aurora peered around her. Everyone was peering back. They didn't look too happy either. The bus driver started talking quietly into a little radio. Aurora rolled her eyes at this. "ALRIGHTY," the bus driver looked back at Aurora, somehow still managing to drive through the commotion. "SINCE YOU ARE EVEN MORE FAR AWAY FROM AVENAL THAN EVER, I'VE RADIOED A BUS TO COME GET YOU OVER HERE. GET OFF THIS BUS AND SIT ON THAT BENCH OVER THERE" he gestured to his right side, next to Foster's Freeze, "AND WAIT FOR THE BUS. DON'T MOVE TILL THE NEXT BUS COMES, ALRIGHT?" Aurora nodded, gathered her books, and walked out of the bus. "DON'T GET LOST AGAIN, OKAY, GIRLIE?" Aurora heard the bus driver yell to her. Aurora cringed and sat on the bench. The next bus arrived within the following five minutes. "So you're the one who got lost, eh?" a gap-toothed woman greeted her at the wheel. "Well, it wasn't too much hassle to pick you up. Off my route, but only by about 10 minutes." Another busload of people were glaring at her. Aurora sat down in the back of the bus in the only empty seat, next to a 10-year old boy who liked to bounce up and down. No sleep would be had on this ride to Avenal. Boy, was Aurora ever glad to get home.