Strange Days
The KART Bus


Vagrants | The Rest of Aurora's Life | The Fly Duo | Rivers and Aurora | Aurora Gets Lost | The KART Bus

Chapter 538 in "Why Aurora's Life Should be Made into an '80's Movie:"

Summer Lovin'? One could only wish.
Summer fun? Oh, to be so lucky.
Summer school? Jackpot!
Monday through Thursday, Aurora has to ride the KART bus to Lemoore where she takes her favorite subject for the upteenth time, Intermediate Algebra. But that is not what makes Aurora's life a miserable, gloomy existance.
No, it's the man who rides the same route with her, from Avenal to West Hills Community College in Lemoore everyday. Aurora only has two words for the middle-aged, white-bearded, short man with a blue baseball cap.
"He's creepy," she says, and she would be right.
He talks loudly on the bus--yelling, actually--and he uses bad grammar, which has Aurora seething in her dumpy black-taped seat. She tries to drown him out by going to sleep, but soon figures out that this is impossible. She is all too aware of what the man is doing three seats behind her.
A woman is yelling at him, telling her not to talk to her, not to touch her. He yells back, "Fuck you, bitch! I'm an angel! I'm in HEVVV-EN!!!"
The bus driver says nothing, a poor scrawny Mexican guy that reminds Aurora of her poor scrawny Mexican guy ex-boyfriend. Finally he pulls over and tells White Beard to "get off the bus right quick" if he's going to continue to bother other passengers.
White Beard gets off, but not before falling in the aisle like someone whos's had a bit too much Jose Cuevo and crystal meth mixed together. He flips his middle finger to the driver, calls the woman a bitch one more time (in case she didn't get the message the first 15 times) and jumps off the bus.
"Wow," says Aurora to herself (since it would really suck if others saw her talking to herself on the KART bus). "I can't believe that was only my first ride on the Kart bus. I wonder is every ride will be as exciting."