Chapter # 586 in "Why Aurora's Life Should be Made into an '80's Movie": by Paulina Aurora is supposed to writing an editorial, but somehow she is bored of it and begins chapter 700 in her book. All of the sudden the editor walks into her office needing some stupid article that she had given to him the night before. Of course, her impotent boss always seeems to lose things and is completley uselss. Of course this short fact is put in her book, just to add to all the crappy things that have occurred so far. Aurora does not have time to close out her book, and thus her editor can see what she is typing on the computer. He catches a witty line and asks her what she is writing. Afraid that he will read the awful comments that she had written about him, she says that it's nothing. He, of course, keeps reading her book, and soon he is laughing because of some of the witty, creative, and entertaining lines in the book. He asks her if she was the genius behind all that writing, and she answers, very excitedly "YES!!" He tells her that he would like to read it sometime and see if he can publish it. This, of course, is great news, a complete turn around from every other thing in life that has occurred. Aurora's book is a best seller, and she makes millions. She marries a man that looks very similar to the hunk Ricky Martin, but not Ricky himself, since he's already married to her best friend Paulina. She's a millionaire, owns her own magazine and all because of her adventures in a town called Avenal.